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Six days anchorage in the Mystic River was a real treat for me to visit family—an overnight at my son Ivan’s house and fresh showers and freshly laundered clothes… and a luncheon visit to my brother Marty and his wife Gina. In addition, we had time to re-provision the boat.

Part of Allen’s goal, other than the free anchorage for a week, was to do a scuba check on the second anchor to ensure that our new little anchor could hold in place. Since my son Ivan (53) is an avid diver around the globe, and so is my grandson Michael (16) who is now working on his rescue certification, the best place to do this was in the Mystic River because Ivan has his own little dive shop in his basement. 

Allen and Michael suited up, but it was an “Almost Dive.” Allen was fine and actually fit into his wetsuit, but Michael’s secondary regulator did not work properly. They both got in to the fairly warm water, but only Allen could examine the boat’s keel. The water was actually too murky to see well, but they  had a good time, and it was super to see Michael in action. He knows a lot about diving and about his equipment, etc.  After a quick chicken dinner on the boat, their evening treat was to go to the new Transformers movie which they both enjoyed.


Meanwhile, Norma enjoyed the quiet beauty of the Mystic River and watching the dozens of swans and their offspring hopping around the marsh nearby along the cemetery.  If you look closely, you can see several Canada Geese up in the cemetery and a dozen more in the marches below. Enjoy!

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S.V. Afterglow
Homeport: Annapolis MD, USA
Call Sign: WDN 7498
MMSI: 368309010

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