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Atlantic City

Our trip from Cape May  to Atlantic City was all motoring—no real wind until we got to Atlantic City fairway which had lots of ocean waves and red buoys to guide sailboats into the harbor. We went quickly, no real issues except to keep to port to avoid shoal areas. Too many green buoys were there to confuse boaters from the Golden Nugget, our favorite marina in this area, and from the nearby bridge which is too low for sailing vessels our size.

We had fun dancing and a few drinks at the Rush Lounge. Allen had a Bailey’s martini, and I had my usual prosecco, but they just helped us do a “dancing show” for the folks listening to a great duo play the guitar and sing. Allen went all out for “Happy” and so did I.  It was fun.  During the duo’s break, Allen played electronic roulette, and then I did. We made $7.50 out of an initial $5.00, so that’s a 50% gain.  We are such big spenders!!!!

Dinner was the leftover lobster from the night before at Cape May, and boy was it still good. More wine and I was ready for bed, but Allen watched “The Peripheral.”  Oh, well, each to his own delights. 

Allen is working on a couple of projects for IEEE and NERC and had some meetings on Tuesday. The weather in A.C. is glorious, and we took a long, long walk down Boardwalk after having lunch with newly made friends, Jim and Christine who are on their way home to Maine on their sailboat Midnight Sun. Boat has been cleaned up, and I am using the closet in the V-berth as a pantry.  With our new Type 1 life jackets, Allen had to reorganize all the existing life jackets, and we now have room in the v-berth. He also inflated the dingy and tied it to the foredeck. Anyway, we are well and having a good time.  

Wednesday May 10: We left A.C. this morning at 6:30 am to catch the tide. Of course no wind again but wouldn't you know just as we were lowering anchor in Barnegat Bay it kicked up and now is gusting to 15 kts or so. We may stay here a couple of nights before moving on. Our next destination may be Sandy Hook, Coney Island, or Brooklyn. We have not decided yet. We are looking forward to Brooklyn but not yet sure when we want to arrive. After that we will transit the East River to enter Long Island Sound.

Catch you later!

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